Who is the eventWolrd app for?

This app is a tool for Marketers who would like to organize and manage events to grow their network.

eventWorld app features allow to:

·         Setup and organize supporters into event teams

·         Attribute specific roles to each event team members

·         Assign tasks and track progress

·         Invite and manage Supporters

·         Scan the tickets


Can I have multiple roles within the same Event team?

Yes, you can be assigned to more than one Role within the organization of the same event. In this case, you will be given all the tasks for the roles you have been attributed.


Can I be removed from an Event team?

Yes, the Marketers responsible for managing the Event team (The Speaker(s) and the Event Manager) can remove an Event team member if his or her collaboration is no longer needed.


Can I share tasks with other team members?

Yes. Since the same Role can be assigned to several people and the tasks to be performed are linked to the roles, the same task may be assigned to several people.

This is an excellent opportunity for teamwork!


Can I change the squad of my Event team?

Yes. You can add a New team member or delete an existing one at any time if you are an Event Manager or a Speaker.


Who can be a team member?

Every Lyconet Marketer.


Who can be a Supporter?

Every Lyconet Marketer can be invited to participate in the organization of an Event as a Supporter, i.e., helping with all the organizational as included, but not limited to entrance manager, setup manager, or tech manager.


Who can be a Speaker?

Every Lyconet Marketer who passed the Speaker Traning.


Who can be an Event Manager?

Every Lyconet Marketer who passed the Event Manager Training.


I have forgotten my password or user name. What do I do?

You can reset your password using the “Forgotten your password?” feature in the login area.

If the mobile telephone number and email address are no longer active and you have not received a text or email, please contact our eventWorld team?



Need help? Please contact our support team at [email protected]